Rhino Loning DIY

DIY Spray In Truck Bed Liner? Do It Yourself; Really? OK – What’s It Gonna Take?

Do It Yourself Spray In Truck Bed Liner. What Will It Take?

DIY Spray In Truck Bed Lining – Do It Yourself Truck Bed Liner Saves Money. Ya Think?

? Rhino Lining can Only Be Applied by a Factory Authorized Applicator ?
So You’ll be Using an Off Brand Liner – But Prep Steps & Method are the Same.

(NOTE: All links on this page will open in a New Window/Tab.)

We are assuming if you are going to go to the expense and effort to apply a spray lining to the bed of your truck, you will want to take the old adage to heart that says:

“If something is worth doing, then it’s worth doing right”!

Are You Prepared to Prepare Your Truck for a Bed Spray Liner? We have to ASSUME:

  • You have read a large share of the About 5,030,000 Google Search Results for reviews about preparing a truck for a spray in bed liner.
  • You understand prep work alone takes 2½ to 3 hours | A newbie 4½ to 5 hours
  • You Understand the quality of the finished job depends heavily on the detail and quality of the prep work.
  • You have parsed out the prep work articles that are just blatantly promoting a particular brand of DIY Spray-On Liner.
  • Besides the ^ VIDEO ABOVE ^ you have scoured YouTube for the best Truck Bed Spray Liner Prep Videos.

Do It Yourself Spray-In Bed Liner Equipment

With all that said, let’s get an equipment list together with prices so we can do this right the first time.

We are going to also assume the items listed here may not be things that you the truck owner may have just lying around.

DIY Tools for Spray in Bed Liner

So for the tools and equipment, we will include equipment rental prices.
(These prices we found recently online and may or may not be accurate by the time you read this article.)

Equipment Costs DIY Spray In Truck Bed Lining job:

[list type=”check”]

  • $25.00/hour: (4 Hour Min.) Multi-Speed Orbital Polisher Rent from Home Depot
  • $39.00/hour: (4 Hour Min.)  Air Compressor – Paint Spray Guns are Air Hogs so you’ll need a compressor that can deliver 12 CFM @ 90psi Home Depot Rental.
  • $23.06 Nylon Cut Brush WalMart Price – to prepare the truck bed surface.
  • $4.99 + Tax: 60 Grit Sandpaper  Walmart Price
  • $19.65 WireTrum Cutting Edge Tape Amazon.com
  • $10.85 Automotive Masking Tape – Amazon.com
  • $11.35 Masking Paper – Amazon.com
  • $225.44 U-POL Raptor Truck Bed Spray On LinerBest Quality DIY Spray On Kit and Comes with the Superior Spray Gun UPOL-820 (You want a Hi-Quality Finish?)


Sure you can get a spray on kit for less, but again, we’re assuming you want your Do It Yourself Spray-On Bed Liner to turn out as good as possible.

Considering the 4-hour minimum for the Multi-Speed Orbital Polisher and the Air Compressor, your Do It Yourself tools, equipment and the spray on Lining product:

Total DIY Cost for High-Quality Spray In Truck Bed Liner $600.00? Really?

$156.00  4-Hour Min Rent Compressor
100.00  4-Hour Min Rent Polisher
23.06  Nylon Cut Brush
4.99  60-Grit Sandpaper
19.65  WireTrim Edge Tape
10.85  Masking Tape
11.35  Masking Paper
225.44  UPOL Raptor Spray on Kit
 $551.34  Basic Investment

? Not Included in the Pricing Chart:Dual Cartridge Respirator
Assorted hand tools
Power Drill
Denatured Alcohol
Safety Gloves
Safety Glasses
Particulate Mask
Protective Clothing & Face Mask
Paint Gun (Comes with the kit)
The items listed above cannot be rented and prices to buy them vary a lot so you need to research their pricing on your own.

Of course, you can always check with friends for items they might have like safety glasses for example that they will let you borrow.

NO – we’re not even going to consider a Brush/Roll-On product unless you’re getting your truck ready to sell and need it to look better to prospective buyers. Let them worry about it wearing out in 3 to 6 months.

Your Do It Yourself Bed Liner Spray-On Job Done Right the First Time

Ok – for Around $550.00 for Compressor and Polisher Motor Rental, some basic prep items, and about $50Bucks of the items not on the chart.

SO – To do your DIY Spray In Truck Bed Liner right with the next the next best thing to a professional Rhino Liner spray in job, you are looking at about:

$600.00 Give or Take a few dollars depending on Local Tool Pricing.

Good luck on your DIY Spray In Truck Bed Liner.

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Is Rhino Lining Really All That Tough?